Fax: +86-21-61811352
Building10th,Bao Link-Center, Lane 803 of Shuangcheng Rd , Shanghai , China
Post Code: 200940
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Contact us

Fax: +86-21-61811352
Add:Rm2003-2004,Building10th,BaoLink-Center,Lane 803 of Shuangcheng Rd , Shanghai , China
Post Code: 200940

Our mission

DGSS provides a channel with extensive knowledge of China , global sourcing and business practices for companies to source Chinese products at the lowest cost available. Meanwhile, help foreign business man master the chance of investment in China.

DGSS functions as a buying agent to protect the interests of the sourcing company and eliminates the premium charged by brokers and trading companies. This enables companies to gain a competitive edge and increase their bottom line with minimum investment and risk. 

DGSS offers favorable business opportunities in terms of growth potential and a low cost source of numerous products due to its labor position and extensive natural resources. China's new membership in the WTO increases its value as a sourcing partner and opens the door to the fastest growing market in the world. DGSS has the experience and expertise to ensure that companies are successful in benefiting from the opportunities and challenges offered by China and oversea.

“Our competitive culture and vested interest to succeed represents an unparalleled motivation to make our partners' clients a success – we know if they succeed, we succeed.”